5 Favorite Gluten Free Items of the Week

dark chocolate bar
Theo’s Dark Chocolate Bar

#1. Favorite Gluten Free Vegan Treat: Theo’s Dark Chocolate

This chocolate is amazing! My current favorite is their 70% Dark Chocolate Bar. It is very satisfying for that pure chocolate craving. It has a lot less sugar than milk chocolate. Also, I can’t eat milk chocolate in any real amounts, so there you go!

Theo’s  Chocolate is a local Seattle business. In fact, you if you ever come to Seattle you can go to the factory and take a tour.  I haven’t gone yet, but then, that is a post for a different day.

According to their website they have 33 options for gluten free and vegan chocolate. All of them are good. They also make chocolate for baking. They do however have this warning on the bar of chocolate wrapper: Allergy Information: Manufactured on shared equipment with products containing milk, eggs, wheat, peanut and tree nuts. So probably not for celiac or very sensitive people.

The other downside is that, they are a bit pricey. However, you don’t need to eat a lot of chocolate when it is this pure, so a bar can last a long time.

#2. Favorite Gluten Free Recipe from Another Blog: Chimichurri Dressing on a Grilled Chicken Salad by Mama Knows Gluten Free

This look so good! I plan on making it for lunch for both my husband and I. I love chimichurri and the photo looks amazing! It has just about everything I could ever ask for in a salad, so I am very sure I am going to like it.

If you make it first, let me know how it goes. When I make it I will update this post.

#3. Funniest Thing This Week: Gluten Free Cat Memes

This is totally how I feel when we go to a place without gluten free options. Always having to get a salad sucks. If you live in Seattle check out my Seattle Restaurants that have gluten free options here to avoid this issue.

#4. Favorite Product: Olivia SuperFree Gluten Free Vegan Bread

gluten free vegan bread
Olivia Superfree bread gluten free

Olivia Superfree is the closest I have come to real bread in ages. Their bread is more like a rustic bread than a sandwich bread. It has the usual holes in it form time to time. However, it is not dense like so many other gluten free and vegan breads. It still manages to remain springy even without any eggs.

It is gluten free, dairy free, soy free, rice free, egg free, corn free and potato free!Don’t ask me how they do it! It is like magic to me and I am just happy it exists.

The make their bread in a dedicated gluten free facility so it is about as safe as you can get as far as I can tell. They also make buns and baguettes. But that my friends is for another post!

#5. Favorite Thing This Week: The Ozarks

ozarks show
The cast of the Ozarks by Netflix

So my latest favorite thing is the Netflix original the Ozarks. I already binge watched the whole first season. Once you start you just have to know what happens next.

Jason Bateman is one of my favorite actors. Although he often does comedy he is really good in this more dramatic role. The whole cast is really great.

It is definitely a dark series. Like one of those train wreck type shows where you just can’t stop watching. It is adults only for sure so save it for after the kids go to bed. Definitely rated R.

So there you have it! 5 of this weeks favorite gluten free things! Let me know what your current gluten free thing is in the comments!


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